
Summer 2018

Wow! It is hard to believe we are in the summer term and that some of us are now preparing for reception class. We look forward to all the exciting events we have in store, especially spending time in the reception environment, and meeting new friends and teachers.

We would like to welcome all our new starters to nursery as you embark on your learning journey with us. Please remember we have an open door policy, should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This term, derived from children’s interests, we are focussing upon transport. Our new topic is ‘Stop, look and listen’. We arrived back in school to be greeted by a gift… a set of car keys, but what were they for? To our surprise, they unlocked two minibuses which we subsequently loved exploring and are so excited to hear that we will be able to use them. We have sung songs, created music, used a variety of resources to create masterpieces, told stories, engaged in role play and loved our focus book ‘The Naughty Bus’.

Following on from this, we shall be investigating planes, cars, bikes, trains and boats! Our continuous provision will support us in developing all our skills, as weekly enhancements are changed to match the topic and ultimately to accommodate the interests and needs of our learners. We will post daily ‘tweets’ to allow you to see what we have been investigating and exploring, and support you in engaging in conversation with your child.

We will continue with our focus upon ‘Communication and Language’ and ‘Personal, Social and Emotional’ skills, through our daily nurture group sessions. This will be further enhanced by our specialist Speech and Language programmes, daily phonics and maths sessions and continue to enjoy learning through play.

Thank you for your continued support. We have so much to look forward to in our final term and cannot wait to watch the children grow in all areas of learning! We welcome you into our classroom at any time to come and engage in our stimulating and enabling environment. Make sure you look out for our masterpieces and our next step displays.

We have an open door policy and welcome all visitors into our setting. If you require any additional hours, have any queries, or would like to look around, please contact our early years coordinator, via school or at


Nursery session in a morning is at 8.45am – 11.45am and the afternoon session is 12.30pm – 3.30pm. We would ask you to wait outside the Nursery gate until a member of the Nursery team comes to let you in. You are welcome to join us at the beginning of each session.

Please can you provide a change of clothes in a named bag which can be left on your child’s peg, as children participate in messy activities or may have an accident. Items to include; socks, underwear, trousers, t-shirts, nappies and wipes if applicable.

Twitter – you can follow our staff and daily occurrences on Twitter

Miss D Stewart

Mrs L Robinson

Miss C Pearce

Miss G Garrett

Miss S Batchelor

Mrs C Guttridge

Mrs C Absalom

Mrs J Shaw

For information regarding places, costings and any other general information, please call in or contact Miss D Stewart