Family Support Worker
Jo Rathbone & Ruth Grocott
Our role in school is to offer support, advice or just a listening ear to parents and children when they need this. It might be around issues to do with separation, divorce and bereavement or it might be more practical problems relating to housing, debt or worries about children beginning to push boundaries. We can also offer advice to parents about where to go for help around their children’s behaviour. We’re happy to help or simply to signpost parents to other agencies and organisations who can help them. We also work alongside Mrs Lawson & Miss Rutter to implement our school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedures.
You can contact school to make an appointment through the main school number, or just ask at reception when you are dropping off or collecting your children. We look forward to working with you.
Family Learning
As a school, we extend a warm invitation to all parents who are interested in further learning or training in a wide variety of topics. We offer courses including, “Cooking on a Budget”, ‘Family First Aid’, ‘Helping Your Child to Prepare for School’ and ‘Basic Computing Skills’ to name but a few.
Alongside Cheshire West and Chester Family Learning, we put on short courses which help parents wanting qualifications to help them get back into work. We are always keen to hear from members of our school community about courses or training that they would be interested in and you can do this by contacting the school directly and asking to speak to Ruth Grocott.